The BikeRegister UV Covert kit allows you to mark your frame and bike components with hundreds of microscopic dots printed with your unique BikeRegister ID. The solution is quick and easy to apply, and once dry is virtually invisible. There is enough liquid for around 20 individual marks.
The solution contains a UV tracer, enabling the Police to easily locate the marks, and in turn read one of the microdots to determine the unique ID and ownership.
Included with the kit is a colourless UV marking kit which chemically etches the coating of your bike frame with your Unique BikeRegister ID, the marking is invisible unless seen under UV light. The kit also contains a durable, tamper resistant warning label and a Tesa label with your unique BikeRegister code.
Any bike with a painted or lacquered finish can be marked with the standard plastic marking compound. However, if your bike frame is uncoated carbon fibre, uncoated aluminium or uncoated titanium, then we recommend using our Membership Plus Kit.